Monday 20 May 2013

selamat hari lahir Addin

selamat hari lahir!

happy birthday

sanah helwa

semoga panjang umur murah rezeki

Ratusan ucapan selamat penuh di ruangan sosialmu, inboxmu. Mendoakan seribu satu kebaikan untuk kau.

On birthdays we'd be super happy, excited, anxious. Out of those 365 days, today will be among the best. We'll make plans from day to night. Expecting to be greeted by the warmth of the sun, overwhelmed by the love that surrounds us. Today is going to be superb.

But our plans aren't perfect. Unlike god the future is a mystery to us, only to be known when the times come.

Truth be told i didn't know it's your birthday today and i didn't expect to know it and not have the chance to greet you, wish you happiness and all good things. Maaf lambat. Aku tak sempat nak doakan kau saat kau masih lagi bernafas.

Have you said goodbye to the sun that greet you each day,

Thank your mom and dad for loving you unconditionally,
Appreciate those around you for just being there,
Fulfill your obligations as a servant to Allah,
His chapters are closed but our pages are still running,
Let death be a remembrance to our purpose in life.

Selamat Hari Lahir Addin.

(20 May 1994 - 20 May 2013)

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